In providing the "METALIVE" solution for distributing videos over the Internet, we recognizethe importance of the personal information we obtain from our customers through theoperation of this service, and we have implemented the following measures in addition tocomplying with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information".
In addition to complying with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information," we haveimplemented the following measures.
Personal information is defined as information about a living individual (name, date of birth,and other information that can identify a specific individual) as defined in the Act on theProtection of Personal Information, as well as e-mail addresses and other personal attributeinformation used in connection with a specific individual.
We use personal information for the following purposes
Provision of live and archived streaming services and viewing thereof
Marketing activities such as statistics, analysis, and surveys for the purpose of servicedevelopment and service improvement
Responding to inquiries, questions, and complaints
Investigations related to the prevention of unauthorized use of our services, such as in amanner that violates the Terms of Use, spamming, unauthorized access, etc.
Distribution or display of advertisements related to our services
To monitor access to our services, and to provide and improve services that meet yourneeds.
Providing free information and responding to inquiries via e-mail
Payment of fees and points (personal information may be exchanged with cell phonecompanies, credit card companies, etc.) Refund processing.
We will not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases
When the Company has obtained the prior consent of the individual to provide personalinformation to a third party.
When the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body,or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
When the provision of personal information is especially necessary for improving publichealth or promoting the sound growth of children, and when it is difficult to obtain theconsent of the individual concerned.
When aggregating and analyzing personal information for the purpose of improving thisservice
When information obtained through the aforementioned aggregation and analysis isdisclosed or provided to third parties, such as business partners, in a manner that does notallow individuals to be identified or specified.
Use for the purpose of distributing or displaying advertisements
Provision of information for the purpose of providing services to companies, etc. that provideadvertisements
When we outsource all or part of the handling of personal data within the scope necessary toachieve the purpose of use
When all or part of this service is transferred or otherwise transferred, and all personalinformation, rights, and obligations are legally transferred to the transferee
When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or anindividual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to executeaffairs prescribed by law, and obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution ofsuch affairs.
When permitted by other laws and regulations.
We will acquire personal information in an appropriate manner and will not acquire personalinformation through deception or other wrongful means. We also take care not to collectpersonal information from individuals under 13 years of age without the consent of their legalrepresentative.
We will take measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and tootherwise ensure the safe management of personal information, and we will establishpersonal information protection regulations and provide training to our employees to ensurethe protection of personal information.
In the event that all or part of the handling of personal information is entrusted to asubcontractor, we will conclude a contract with the subcontractor that includes confidentialityor require the subcontractor to agree to terms and conditions stipulated by us, and we willprovide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the personal information issecurely managed by the subcontractor.
When we receive a request from an individual for disclosure of his/her personal information,we will disclose the information without delay after confirming the identity of the requestingparty. However, if disclosure would result in any of the following cases, we may not discloseall or part of the information, and if we decide not to disclose the information, we will notifyyou to that effect.
If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the personconcerned or a third party
If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business
If it would violate other laws or regulations
In principle, we will not disclose any information other than personal information, such asaccess logs.
When we receive a request from a person to stop using or delete (hereinafter referred to as"stop using, etc.") his/her personal information on the grounds that it has been handledbeyond the scope of the purpose of use publicly announced in advance or that it has beenobtained through deception or other wrongful means, we will make a request to the person inquestion to stop using or delete his/her personal information. Upon confirming the identity of the person making the request, we will conduct the necessary investigation, and based onthe results, we will suspend the use of the personal information and notify the person to thateffect. However, in cases where it is difficult to suspend the use of personal information dueto the large amount of costs involved or other difficulties in doing so, and alternativemeasures can be taken to protect the rights and interests of the person, these alternativemeasures will be taken. Please note that we may not be able to comply with your request ifyour request does not meet the requirements of the law, or if there are grounds for refusingdisclosure, etc. under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.
Users may request the Company to correct their registered personal information on thegrounds that it is untrue (including cases in which it has become untrue due to additions orchanges). We will make the necessary investigation after confirming that the request ismade by the user himself/herself, and will make the correction without delay.
However, if the Company does not make such correction, etc. based on reasonable grounds,the Company will notify the user to that effect.
In addition, the user may request the Company to delete the registered personal information,and the Company will delete the information if the Company deems it necessary to respondto the user's request after confirming that the request is made by the user himself/herself.
We collect data and information (via third-party products) about access to our services,called log data. This log data may include the Internet Protocol ("IP") address of the device,the name of the device, the operating system version, the app settings used to access theService, the date and time of use of the Service, and other statistical information, none ofwhich is personally identifiable information. It is not personally identifiable information.
Cookies are files containing small amounts of data commonly used as anonymous uniqueidentifiers. They are sent to your browser from a server computer and stored in the internalmemory of your device. The Service may use cookies to provide better service, but this doesnot allow the collection of personally identifiable information and does not violate the privacyof the user. We may use third party codes and libraries that use "cookies" to collectinformation and improve our services. If you choose to reject cookies, you may not be ableto use some of the Services.
The Company may record access logs, including IP addresses of users who post messages,etc. to the Company and the date and time of posting to the Company from such IPaddresses.
When a user agrees to disclosure, when disclosure is requested in the course of a criminalinvestigation or other legal proceedings, when we receive an inquiry from a consumercenter, bar association, or other public agency based on a valid reason, or when a third partywho claims to have suffered damage due to a post made to us requests disclosure, we mayrecord the name of the user who made the post, the date and time the post was made, andthe IP address of the user. In addition, we may disclose the name, address, e-mail address,telephone number, and other personal information and access logs of the user who madethe posting.
In the following cases, we assume no responsibility for the acquisition of personalinformation by a third party.
Users themselves reveal their personal information to other users through the functions ofthe Company or through other means.
In the event that a user is unintentionally identified by information entered by the userhimself/herself or by information entered by other users.
When information that can identify an individual (ID, password, etc.) is obtained by a userother than the user himself/herself.
We may outsource our services to third party companies and individuals for the followingreasons
To facilitate our services.
To provide the Services on our behalf.
To help us analyze how our Services are used.
We want to inform users of the Service that these third parties have access to your personalinformation. The reason for doing so is to perform assigned tasks on our behalf. However,we are required not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Therefore, we encourage you toperiodically review the changes on this page. If we change the purposes for which we usepersonal information, we will notify you or make a public announcement. These changes willbecome effective immediately after they are posted on this page.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please feel free tocontact us.